
Independent Medical Reviews

Initial evaluations to comprehensive case reviews. Injury, insurance, workers compensation, patient advocacy and more.

Utilization Review and Process Improvement

Utilization review is an important tool for health care systems.  I review cases to identify unnecessary referrals or procedures, and efficiently triage those who benefit from early intervention to avoid excess resource consumption. I aid in the development of efficient and appropriate treatment pathways, as well as standardization of care models.

Medical Technology

As a resource for new or revised medical products, devices, or therapies. I provide background information for project development.

Marketing and Education

I have a unique understanding of the health care industry.  I am an excellent resource for marketing health care packages to insurance companies, workers compensation, and health care organizations.  I also can assist in direct marketing to physician groups, organizations, and patients.


Information for books, television, newspaper, brochures, and web content.